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Selasa, 09 Februari 2010

Turning the Power On

So we landed near the Visitor's Centre and I took a dead guard's walkie-talkie and called Ellie. Suddenly, Muldoon came by and told me to turn the main generator on again to electrify the metal bars and kill the raptors. Then I told Muldoon to take the kids to the Control Room. Then, I went to the generator building safely and I turned the generator on. Wu, Ellie, Harding and Muldoon helped me to get into the Control Room. That's when I met Genaro again, then we found the kids, I told the 3 of them to go to he Control Room as I took care of the raptors with poison to kill them. And Tim succesfully turn the main power on. But then we saw the video screen showing that the dinosaurs are killing each other.

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